Manwel, nistiednek taqra l-kummenti fuq il-blogg ta' Olivi. G?adni kif tajthom daqqa t'g?ajn, u g?andi l-impressjoni li b'din ir-rata Olivia Lewis ser ila??quha qaddisa martri. Tg?id naraw xi santi tag?ha? .... u ddghajjef il-mentalita ossessjonata bil-eurovision ta' pajjizna... kwazi kwazi nasal li nghid li l-eurovision hija theddida ghal malta, daqs kemm kien ikun il-golf course il-manikata jew dak it-terrorizmu ambjentali li sar l-ahrax tal-mellieha l-gimgha l-ohra. ...
After a longish rest, we headed towards Wied Ghomor, through tas-Salib, descended along the same valley and along Wied Ghemieri, crossed il-Pont tal-Fiddien and had another rest at Ghajn Klieb where the ramblers could observe a number of .... The initial meeting to set up the association held at the Din l-Art Helwa premises in Valletta attracted a turnout of around 300 persons eager to share their experiences and do something positive to reclaim the countryside for the ...
The building is an ?Ghajn? from the Knight's period ? nothing to do with the train really ? but the trail from Museum Station to the side door in Magazine street of Mdina passes next to it. The cracks in the façade indicate a movement of the terrain. ... The last Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 6th February 2010 at 10am. The administrative report is in the Feb 2010 page. Many thanks to the Phoenicia Hotel, who kindly offered to host our annual meeting. ...